Friday, January 06, 2012

Fairly New and Need Help

i realized that all this time, i have not introduced myself to my readers (if there is any) yet. pardon me, but i have been so hyped about blogging my insights that i never had a chance to tell you about myself.

i go by the name aester. i actually chose that name because my complete name is so generic and sounds so boring. thus i came up with aester, which by the way, sounds like my favorite flower, aster.

currently, i am employed to a private company, which falls under the beauty and wellness industry.

i love to tell stories, fiction and nonfiction. thus, i ventured into blogging. most of my posts were personal and private back then. i have tried different blogging platforms before, however, the passion just wavered away from time to time due to various reasons.

now, with the luxury of time in my hand, i would try to be as active in the blogosphere as much as i can.

i have two blogs as of this moment: Piece of April (on wordpress) talks about my journey to a better me. it is filled with insights, dreams and emotions. What April Wants, on the other hand, is about my life's rants, raves and reviews.

in this site, i would be discussing my opinions and insights regarding a certain product, person, idea, place, and things. i would also be sharing with you my reviews on different kinds of artworks found all around us, such as film, literature, music and food.

since i am fairly new to this community, i would like to ask for the help of my fellow writers and bloggers in building my blogroll. let's connect and be friends!

you may drop your links into my comment box below. and you may follow me in the different blogging communities (facebook fan page, networked blogs) found on your right. you may, as well, add me on facebook, twitter, google+, tumblr and flickr. my e-mail address is:

thank you in advance, everyone! cheers!