Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 02

Day 2 of 30-Day Challenges

Here are some photos of me with someone I have been closest with the longest:

Meet Alexis.

We have known each other way back in kindergarten, which has been more than 15 years now. We've been close during our grade school. I really can't say if it was during our first or second grade. I do remember we would often be on top of our game during one of the classes - trying to outshine each other, vying for the teacher's attention.

We have a weird love-hate relationship. He makes fun of me, and I hate it. He ignores me, and I hate it more. But, I love him dearly.

We never ever had a fight. I can't recall a time that we ever had an argument. If we did had one, I'm guessing he won. Because I love him and let him get away with it. 

We are twins, though not biologically. We don't share the same birthday, we don't have the same personality, we don't even look alike. But, I love him like a brother.

We are polar opposites, yet still share the same interests in life. Maybe that's why I love him and our friendship has stayed for as long as we shall be.


Choosing the least favorite song is a very hard thing to do. There are songs that I definitely wouldn't want to hear for the rest of my life. There are some, however, that are bearable to my ears, but still makes me cringe when I hear them.

Personally, I have nothing against singers covering another artist's music. If one cannot make the music sound better, then don't bother doing a cover at all. 

For instance, I do admire Charice's talent. In fact, I envy her singing ability. But, what I don't appreciate is her doing covers of some of the greatest love songs. Hearing her hitting the high notes make me want to cover my ears, not because she is having difficulty in getting it right, but because she is doing it over the top. In our country, people idolize almost anyone who can hit the highest note, in which singers tend to screech all throughout the song just to receive some admiration. Screaming one's lungs out to a Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey song sometimes makes the listeners want to pull the mic away. Maybe the keyword here is originality, and that is what Charice still lacks. 

Here is a song that I used to love, but lost my love for it because of the cover version.

i do not own the video above.